Monday, June 9, 2014

What Healthy Foods Are Eroding Your Teeth? 
(A Note from Dr. Sargissian)

     Children learn at an early age that “candy will rot your teeth”. We are led to believe that if we brush and floss and avoid sugars we wont get cavities. Also, new trends claim to prevent cavities and draw out toxins from the body. As a holistic dentist, I see many patients who are exceptionally health conscious, diligent on brushing and flossing, and overall take extremely good care of their bodies. I must not fill very many cavities then right? Wrong!
     Patients with diets high in fruits and greens often come to me with cavities and state that previous diagnosis has said that they must have cavities because they don’t receive enough calcium. Although I believe diet is a culprit of cavities, I don’t believe the cavities are due to lack of calcium. I will always be one to promote a balanced and healthy diet, but it should be understood that a diet rich in fruits and veggies does not guarantee a healthy mouth. Most people know that lemons and limes contain high levels of citric acid, but did you know that most fruits, veggies, wine, and even sourdough bread have citric acid in them? Over time citric acid can cause erosion to the enamel that protects the surface of our teeth. Once this enamel begins to wear down, the tooth is exposed to whatever sugars and acids are put into the mouth and decay occurs more readily. In order to help prevent decay, drink lots of water, look into high alkaline fruit and veggies, and maintain a daily brushing and flossing routine.

          Before taking the word of one opinion, or following new health fads, please remember to do your own research and use your best judgment. Finally, remember that oral care at home should be a supplement to regular visits to your dentist and hygienist. 
Dr. Sargissian

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